Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Adieu my dear hairdryer

My basic bright yellow foldable hair drying apparatus gave up this morning. It served me for a good two years, which is quite impressive for me. I’m not a sentimental person, I rarely think twice about throwing something away. For me, the faster it get’s out the door, the sooner I can get something new. When I saw the cord sparked, and in a couple of seconds heard the sound associated with the short circuiting spectacle, I started to try to recall how long it has been with me -- not to be emotional, but for practical reasons -- I was in debate if I’ve already gotten my money’s worth (kuripot mode!). 

“Hmm… had this last year I think, Oh wait no, I moved apartments and this was already with me, so it’s earlier.., I went on vacation with this, so probably earlier than that. Oh, but when I stayed in that apartment I was still using a different one… So probably two years… “  

my ever reliable sèche-cheveux =)

As I was skipping through my hairdryer’s timeline, I realized that a lot of great things happened over the last couple of years that I prepped for which I have already taken for granted. The dinner dates with my fiancé, theater nights, the out of town trips, that time when I had a perm, and those simple window shopping weekends, even the extra time prepping in the morning just because I know it’s going to be a busier day than usual in the office. 

I’ve been going though some “not so happy” mood swings, and it’s great to be reminded about these simple cheerful milestones.  I then promised myself that I will not wait for something “tragic?” before I will appreciate simple bliss.   

And now, I have to throw away the broken apparatus, it did serve me well, down to the last walk to the trash bin.

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