Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wedding Duties: Pre Cana Seminar

We were lucky that Mary the Queen offers a pre-cana seminar. We didn't have to book at another church or pay an additional fee. 

Prepare to give up a weekend and be stuck in a room to complete this activity! But seriously, it isn't so bad. It's just two 8am-5pm days and both of them could end up interesting. We know ours did! haha!

They have a room, specifically arranged for the pre-cana seminar, the seats are comfortable enough, and the space was well air-conditioned. 

Saturday covered 4 topics
Personhood: My Identity: Understanding Self between Man and Woman
Sacrament of Matrimony Rites/Sexuality and Marriage
Building a Christian Family: Parenting
Natural Family Planning

Among the Saturday topics, we liked the Parenting talk best. The speaker brought along his wife and one of his daughters and it was clear that they are a close knit, Christ-centered family. I commend him for raising such God fearing and appreciative kids. He made his eldest daughter talk as well. To be honest, with all things she's achieved at such a young age, I ended up questioning my own life! haha! 

Our Sunday schedule covered three topics
Relationship: Couple Dialogue
Communication: Conflict Resolution
and lastly, Session with the Pastor priest

We liked the Couple Dialogue, not only because it's relatable to young couples but because the speaker was prepared and talks well. Since most of the couples there are young professionals he treated the talk as if we were in a casual business meeting that required him to engage us as well as reel us in. I took a mental note that I want to be able to pitch topics in my next meeting like him, hehe! 

The 16 hours that we were there at times were be fun but there were also moments that, well, we're pretty slow. You also can't help but wish that the speakers are more engaging, but it is what it is. We made the most of it and enjoyed the full day that we were seated together. We learned some new things but also heard some opinions we respect, but would rather not practice. 

Overall, the Mary the Queen pre-cana was a good experience. A lot of the topics were were relatable, they were not preachy (for the most part), and they speak based on experience. Oh, they provided snacks and coffee as well, yey for that too! :) 

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