Monday, May 6, 2013

CieLJ Tradition: MYOH 2013

...aaaand we're back! I had to take a little break from blogging to get my swing back at work and keep the household in working condition ...heck! who am I kidding, I've been out talaga because of Candy Crush! LOL! anywaaaay, so we are back now, I promise to make the post more regular again, and I still owe the ratings for our wedding suppliers, we'll post those soon. 

We went to the MYOH 2013 this year, since it's been a tradition, I've blogged about it last year here. It's definitely something that we didn't want to miss. After 4 years of going to the MYOH event together we can give you one solid advise that will help you avoid the madness and long lines -- schedule your visit during the evening. There's absolutely no line, no crowd, and just a handful of people walking around. It also translates to having a less photo bombed pictures, and more photo ops with the backdrops that they've prepared, so yey!  

What we liked this year... 

1. No lines! Just like last year, we were in and out in less than an hour. The only reason we even bordered an hour was because I took photos

2. we loved the final product (syempre! love your own *grin*) 

3. The assemblers assigned to us, Christine and Michelle were very nice. 

4. L-O-V-E the Eco Bag packaging! 

What we are not raving about...

1. Not a lot of combinations compared to previous MYOH, less choices of pins and straps considering that the theme is "Imagination." You can bet that there will be a lot of similar, or even identical pairs even before you step out of the tent  

2. Weird greeters... I know they are interns, pero first time that I really felt that there's something weird, or even a crazy stunt going on. First, as we entered, they said just we should fill up the form, so we sat on the bench at started to write... a girl approached us and said, we can do it sa front... we transferred sa front row ng benches kase awkward if we still stay sa back, pero seriously... there's no difference kase kami lang tao. Second, WHILE we were filling up the form, a guy walked to us yelling and reminding us that we should complete the form. Seriously? don't you see that we ARE writing on the form? It is white and obvious. Third, we were directed to the hall with the combination "Wheel" which is I guess supposed to be the second stop? I dunno. While we were rotating the wheel, another guy approached us and said, we should just go inside the tent na, since some of the straps are already gone. Well, ok that already happened in the previous MYOH, so just to strike a conversation LJ asked, "so can you tell us which ones are still available? (So you know, we can just pick from that), the guy laughed awkwardly and answered "probably." heck?! joke time ba to? asan ang camera? So to end the streak, we just went inside the tent. 

Despite the weirdness of the greeters, ok na rin, at least LJ and I had a good laugh during the event. They also gave us some discount coupons for regular pairs. We might get the Mickey mouse and the PacMan, or not. We will definitely be back for MYOH 2014 though. :) 

You can also join the online design contest now and get a chance to have your work printed as part of the 2014 Havaianas Collection, named after you!

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